Thursday, August 27, 2009

Suhaila says it like it is at the L3 prep.

Reported by Yasmin

On doing your thang:
"You'll never be able to please the bellydance audience, so why even try?"
"Will they really get you? Who cares what they think. Do what you need to do."
"Don't you dare ever bellydance to please me---- ever!"
"When Mozart was criticized in his day, they complained that he played too many notes."
"Be innovative."
"I never present work knowing that people will get it. It will take 15-20 years before people get it. It took 20 years for people to get Dances of the Sultan. "
"You can get away with almost anything if you dance it with honest, integrity, intelligence.... and you don't suck."
"I say: let them hate me!"
"The only way we are going to raise the level of the dance is to raise the expectations visually and physically."
"Represent the music, don't just make patterns to please the audience."
"I want you out of the box and not safe."

Personal choreography techniques to help a dancer push through barriers:
Take out all bellydance movement from the choreography.
Take 2 choreographies, change them, and mash 'em up.
Find 2 pieces of music and dance the same way for each song.
Dance the entire song in one spot. You can turn in one spot around yourself, but no traveling.
Hum the song.
Dance without the music and count it outloud.
Exhaust all angles of possibility, even if you go back to your first version of the piece.
Physicalize a taste. How would you dance the emotion of food, for example.
Tell the story.
Listen to the music and physicalize what you hear.
Watch a piece as if you were looking down from the ceiling. Notice your floor patterns.

Understand where you are within your dance
Isolate what you are doing and identify the level at which you dance.
Identify the level of other dancers that you watch.
Dance above your level for your mentors. Dance below your level for your paying audience.

Meisner Acting technique:
"Observing somebody is not the same as experiencing them."
"Taking classes with Meisner changed my life."

Question to Suhaila: What is your favorite choreography from your repertoire?
Suhaila: I don't like any of them. But that is not the point. I love them because they represent a moment in time. A moment in my life.

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